Monday, December 29, 2008

Find financial health in ’09

Nobody needs to tell Gary and Irene Piazza how to weather a financial storm, but they have some advice for folks trapped in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

The Town of Tonawanda couple were sailing along on his income as a plant worker and hers as a travel agent when he suffered a brain aneurism in late 2002. They suddenly had to get by on her paycheck, and by the time he returned to his job nine months later, were $27,500 in debt.

“When bills started piling up I tried making ends meet with credit cards,” Irene “Reenie” Piazza said. “It got to be too much.”

Staring at bankruptcy, with no obvious way out, the couple turned to Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Buffalo.

“We started them on a need-to-use budget. The first step: get rid of the credit cards,” said Kate Beck, the organization’s education coordinator. The Piazzas also enrolled in a financial literacy program that fit their circumstances.

It was a struggle, but by early 2006 they had regained their financial footing, and are cited as a success story by Consumer Credit Counseling. People seeking assistance can hear their story on a public service announcement recorded by the Piazzas that plays in the waiting room.

They’ll never be caught short again, even by an unpredictable event like sudden illness, Reenie Piazza said.

Rule No. 1 in her personal guidebook: “If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Live within your means.”

Rules No. 2 and 3:

• “If you can’t make the full payment, always try to at least put something

toward the bill.”

• “Instead of going out, stick to home gatherings with family and friends. Do the cooking yourself.”

Coming from people like the Piazzas, who’ve been through the grinder and survived to tell about it, such suggestions might carry extra weight with anyone blind-sided by the current global economic crisis.

“Everybody is being impacted in some way, shape or form,” said Paul Atkinson, executive director of Consumer Credit Counseling. “They haven’t been punched in the nose like this in the past.”

Like the Piazzas, professional advisers have plenty of tips for staying financially upright. “You just need some tools,” Atkinson said. “Right after the first of the year is a great time to pick pick out a few and at least get started on the right foot.”

For example, Jesse Mecham, creator of “You Need A Budget,” recommends four rules for setting up a “living” budget:

• Stop living paycheck to paycheck. “Instead of living on what you currently earn, start living on what you earned the previous month,” Mecham advises.

• Give every dollar a job. “Every dollar you earn must be given a specific task. Money not given a job is wasted money.

• Prepare for rain. “Unexpected expenses can creep up anytime,” he notes. They should be taken into consideration “far enough in advance so you can stick to the budget.”

• Roll with the punches. “Developing and sticking with a budget can be difficult, but it is important. Make the needed adjustments from time to time to ensure success.”

In addition to budgeting, Scott Mitic of TrustedID suggests keeping sufficient cash reserves on hand — at least six months of income; saving by cutting unnecessary expenses; keeping track of your credit score by getting free annual credit reports from each of the big reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion; trying to prevent identity theft by keeping your Social Security number to yourself, shredding mail that contains account information or new credit card offers and changing your computer password at least monthly; and increasing building your investments through a diversified portfolio.

Other pros like Buffalo financial planner Amy Jo Lauber have some simple tips for cutting everyday expenses:

• Shopping for better deals on automobile and homeowners insurance. “If you have enough savings, consider increasing the deductibles in order to reduce premiums,” Lauber adds.

• Taking advantage of automatic savings like 401K payroll deductions. You won’t miss money you don’t see, she counsels.

• Considering taking part-time work to augment your income.

• Consolidating debt.

• Planning meals for the whole week, and shopping accordingly. Try to choose recipes that will yield both dinner and a brown-bag lunch the following day.

• Checking your pay stub to see if too much tax is being withheld. “If you’ve been getting a large refund, talk to your tax adviser about reducing the withholding. It’s put more income in your paycheck.

• Making use of free library services. Besides books and DVDs, branches offer seminars and free events for kids. “There are things to do that won’t cost you anything,”.

• Considering donating your time, instead of money, to charities.

• Creating a home energy checklist, starting with thermostat and water heater settings. Make sure the furnace has clean filters and see that doors and windows are weatherstripped.

Source :- Find financial health in ’09


Friday, December 26, 2008

Dental Health: Prevention is the Best Medicine

It probably comes as no surprise to you that the best way to make sure your teeth are in good shape is to keep them that way right from the start. Even if you've had problems with cavities and such in the past, it's never too late to start taking proper care of your teeth and you can start your kids early with preventative dental care, too.

Babies and Toddlers

Don't wait until those first baby teeth make their appearance. Use a damp rag over your finger to wipe your baby's gums on a regular basis. There are even rubber slip on fingertip cleaners designed specifically for this purpose and nothing apart from a little water is necessary.Once the first little pearly whites pop through the gums, it's time to switch to a baby toothbrush. Again, use just water, since babies don't need toothpaste and it can actually be harmful if they swallow it on a regular basis. This basic dental care can continue up through the toddler years or until your child is able to spit the toothpaste out, usually around three years. Alternatively, you may look for a toddler toothpaste that doesn't contain fluoride.


By the time your little one is ready to start using toothpaste, you should have a good toothbrushing routine down. Two to three times a day is good, with the brushing session lasting at least 60 seconds, though three minutes is actually the ideal. Setting an egg timer or playing a special song can help kids judge the amount of time to brush.


Many adults find that they are too busy to pay much attention to their teeth, but it is definitely worth making the effort. Regular brushing with fluoride enhanced toothpaste will help keep cavity causing plaque away and reduce your chances of getting sick due to a tooth decay issue. You will also save quite a bit of money by taking proper care of your teeth, which involves regular brushing (2-3 times a day) and flossing (at least once a day).Despite there being specific dental care instructions for each age group, there are certain things that will help anyone of any age stay on top of their dental health and ensure that problems are stopped before they even begin.Getting regular dental care is essential in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist can tell you if you need to step up your brushing and flossing and can also instruct you in the right way to remove plaque from your teeth. A proper cleaning is a good idea at least once or twice a year, as well.In addition to regularly flossing and brushing, there are other steps you can take to help prevent tooth problems. Your diet is particularly important. It's a proven fact that certain foods and beverages are more likely to cause tooth decay and stains than others. Coffee, colas and tobacco are all terrible for staining your teeth, while anything with sugar tends to promote bacterial growth and thus tooth decay. Carbs that stick to your teeth (think crackers), are also notorious for causing problems because they convert to sugar with saliva and get wedged into cracks in your molars where a toothbrush may not reach. Mouthwash can help with this.

Your best bet for healthy teeth is to eat a balanced diet and avoid junk food and having too many sweets. When you do give in to the sweet tooth, make sure you brush afterwards. A little prevention goes a long way and with the proper care, your teeth should last a lifetime intact.

Article source:- Dental Health: Prevention is the Best Medicine


Monday, December 15, 2008

Pros and Cos of Dental implantation

Pros and Cos of Dental implantation

Dental implant expertise in New Jersey has come an elongated way in the last few years, but now also it does not assurance that the treatment would be a success. On exceptional instance, the substance or erroneous placement roots the problem. Normally even if in the cases where it fails the most general causes of this modus operandi is either of the patient's health or lifestyle practices. On the whole, the failure rate only ranges stuck between 0 and 5% depending on the region of the mouth getting healing. Individuals can prevent themselves from these failures and provide themselves with the highest chance of successful treatment.

There are various features comprise the failure of these sorts of treatments. The shape doesn't encompass to fall out to be measured a problem. Movement is also a terrible symbol. Even dentist needs to keep a track record of on the quantity of bone loss you undergo. The defective stage or the start of problem is when an individual is losing of more than one millimeter in the first year after the procedure and more than 0.2 millimeters every year. On the whole a problem is measured to be anything if an individual demonstrates the bone did not grow over and connect itself to the implant appropriately.

The use or intake of any type of tobacco leads to the failure factor of dental implantation and reduces the whitening of the teeth, leading to damage or any sever problem within the teeth. Tobacco products majorly reduce the excellence and quantity of the jawbone obtainable for the device to attach to, which frequently directs to an aching problem recognized as peri-implantitis. Even the toxins available in such harmful tobaccos degrade the healing of the affected. Gum sickness also has unenthusiastic consequences on these treatments. Dentist in New Jersey in most of such cases would not use this technique to get better oral health until the patient has stopped taking tobacco.

There are side effects for various medications hinder with the bone's capability to connect itself to the metal plating or pin that clutch the replacement tooth in specific location. Thus due to this the treatment stay loose in the mouth or even though if it gets attach itself, the slightest pressure could break it loose. For such reason that is having significant conditions and because such type of medications is prescribed by other doctors, it is mostly recommended to stay with a missing tooth than to suffer with the unique medical problems.

It becomes very hard to attach the bone with the metal if any individual have the habit of tightening or crushing teeth together knowingly or unknowing. Such natural habits are hard to the original teeth and take away the enamel, but it isn't probable to thump them loose because teeth have a particular ligament attached to them that soak ups pressure and movement. But as the replacement teeth do not have this capability, it tear away on the bone to which it is attached forcing them to become loose.

No matters you live in New Jersey or New York, dental implant treatment are an excellent way to replace a missing tooth, but they aren't infallible and are not for everybody. If you are fond to have this treatment but have some of these issues, you should discuss with your doctor or dentist to deal such issues before starting the procedure. Cosmetic Dentist’s advice would supplementary augment your chance at success and get pleasure to have a flawless smile as an effect.

For more details about Dental Health services please visit


Monday, November 17, 2008

Cosmetic Dentists New Jersey

The primary focus of cosmetic dentistry is on modifying the appearance of a person’s oral cavity and surrounding structures, in conjunction with the prevention and treatment of organic, structural, or functional oral disease. With this purpose in mind Cosmetic Dentists in New Jersey have taken up a multitude of dental procedures which are professionally devised to improve the smile and correct chipped, cracked, discolored, and unevenly spaced teeth.

In New Jersey cosmetic dental procedures range from porcelain veneers to tooth-colored fillings, which patients can choose from to restore the health and vitality of their smile.

Among the most common cosmetic dental procedures in New Jersey are Porcelain Veneers. These are ultra-thin shells of porcelain, acting as custom-made laminates affixed directly to the teeth. They are highly resistant to permanent staining and are a great option for closing gaps or disguising discolored teeth.

Another popular procedure in New Jersey is Dental Implants. Implants are much stronger than dentures and are therefore a more attractive option for replacing missing or lost teeth. Not only can they provide support for improved appearance, speech, comfort and chewing ability, but also can look and feel like one’s natural teeth.

People in New Jersey can opt for Dental Bonding to correct chipped or cracked teeth. Bonding is a process in which an enamel-like material is applied to the tooth's surface, sculpted into shape, hardened, and then polished for an ideal smile.

The latest innovation in tooth whitening dental procedure is laser tooth whitening in New Jersey. In this process a translucent bleaching gel is applied to the tooth and a laser light is used to activate the crystals to absorb the energy from the light and penetrate the tooth enamel to increase the lightening effect on the tooth. Though the procedure is very effective, the effects last only about a year or more depending upon one’s personal habits.

NJ’s Soft Tissue Management is an individualized plan to eliminate infections of the gums and root surfaces. It focuses on eliminating tartar and plaque below the gum, detoxifying the root surfaces where the disease occurs, obtaining smooth roots and flushing out the pockets to allow for healthy reattachment of the gums to the root surfaces.

Oral cancer screening in New Jersey is used to inspect areas of mouth such as the floor of the mouth, the front and sides of the tongue, and the soft palate to detect any type of malignancy that begins in the oral cavity.

NJ’s tooth colored restorations can be used to restore the natural appearance of a previously decayed or previously filled tooth. The white filling blends well with tooth enamel and does not look like fillings since they are tooth colored. These restorations have become more widely accepted as they are cosmetically more pleasing, as well as strong and durable.

Today, people no longer have to live with the smile that they are born with as New Jersey’s dental treatments offer a cure for most dental problems that New Jersey’s citizen’s face.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tooth Bonding Information

Tooth bonding can be a great solution for restoring decayed teeth. Composites can improve your aesthetic image by changing the color and/or shape of your teeth. The term "composites" refers to the composite resin filling material that is applied, or "bonded", to the surface of a tooth to improve its appearance. Composites can lighten stains, close up minor gaps, and correct crooked teeth. They may be placed in the back as well as the front teeth. The term "bonding" refers to the process of applying a mild etching solution to the teeth in order to create a rough surface that allows the composite resin filling material to adhere to the teeth. Patients with small gaps between their front teeth or have chipped or cracked teeth are great candidates for composite bonding.

Article source:-Tooth Bonding Information


Dental Implants Information

Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace lost teeth. Dental implants are fixtures of titanium that are surgically implanted into the jaw bone. The patient is under anesthesia during the procedure. After the dental implant is installed, a crown can be bonded to the top of the implant to create a natural looking false tooth. Implants are best placed in the front portion of the lower jaw. Only a highly trained dentist may perform the dental implant procedure.
Implants are excellent procedures for replacing missing teeth, but it is very important that enough bone is available for the implants to be attached to. If you do not have enough bone for attachment, a bone graft may be necessary. Bone grafting helps increase the amount and shape of the jaw bone and is common among dental implant patients.


The Root Form Implant
A Plate Form Implant
A Subperiosteal Implant


Dental Veneers Information

Dental veneers are used to correct both color and tooth shape problems. Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of specially-shaped porcelain that are bonded over the front of your teeth. Composite resin veneers are applied directly to your teeth and sculpted to the desired shape. Both procedures can be performed without anesthesia. Veneers require a tooth reduction (where the thickness of the tooth is reduced).
In cases of serious tooth discoloration, dentists recommend dental veneers or crowns as opposed to bleaching.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Dental Crowns Information

A dental crown serves as a cover for a damaged tooth or as an anchor for a dental bridge. A crown is usually suggested when the root of a tooth is intact but the surface (enamel) area of the tooth is damaged. Dental crowns cover the entire visible surface area of an affected tooth and add strength, durability, and stability to the tooth.
There are various situations that would require the placement of a crown, such as root canals, dental bridges, lost fillings, decay below a filling, and chipping and cracking of tooth enamel. The cracking or breakage of teeth can be caused by age, fillings, tooth decay, and/or an improper bite.

Article source:-Dental Crowns


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tooth Whitening New Jersey

To obtain and to maintain your delightful smile, New Jersey Dentists have an optimum range of dental services to improve and renew your smile.

Whitening - The most commonly prescribed cosmetic dental procedure, many whitening options are now available to consumers in a wide range of prices. Dentist-supervised treatments remain the recommended procedures for lightening discolored teeth.

Bonding - An option for chipped or cracked teeth, bonding is a process in which an enamel-like material is applied to a tooth's surface, sculpted into shape, hardened, and then polished for an ideal smile.

Implants - A replacement for dentures, implants are a stronger, more attractive option for replacing missing or lost teeth. An anchor is placed in the patient's jaw, and a life-like ceramic restoration is built around it and matched to the original tooth color.

Veneers - An increasingly popular procedure, veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made laminates that are affixed directly to the teeth. They are a great option for closing gaps or disguising discolored teeth that did not respond well to whitening procedures.



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